At the edge of Business bay in Dubai

A bit of a random photo from the Business bay in Dubai. I took many photos there, but also wanted some with the bridges in the area. But it was also already quite late at night and I have been up since 4am that day. And the heat really did not help with not being dead tired. So I got few shots and packed for the day. Still it came out quite nice.

This is a three exposure blend done completely in Photoshop. This is not a panorama, I cropped the photo to this aspect ration. I used the 12mm Laowa lens here, and while it captured a lot in the shot, it also meant I got a lot of the water, more then I wanted. So I cropped it out of the photo. Cityscapes usually look better as panoramic shots anyway. I also used the Nisi Natural Night filter in this photo. I don’t use it all the time, but I quite like the results I got in my Dubai photos. It really depends on the lights that are in the scene, if it’s worth it or not.

At the edge of Business bay in Dubai, UAE