Remembering the Dead

As Halloween is not really celebrated in Slovakia, we have our own variant of a day of the dead. It’s called Dusicky here and the tradition is to go and put candles on the graves. I live not far from the Martinsky cintorin (Martin Cemetery) in Bratislava, so I went and took few shots. Only few, in a side alley, as I think you shouldn’t disturb people in such a place.

HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 7D with Sigma 10-20mm lens, from a tripod.

Remembering the DeadAs Halloween is not really celebrated in Slovakia, we have our own variant of a day of the dead. It's called Dusicky here and the tradition is to go and put candles on the graves. I live not far from the Martinsky cintorin (Martin Cemetery) in Bratislava, so I went and took  few shots. Only few, in a side alley,  as I think you shouldn't disturb people in such a place.HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 7D with Sigma 10-20mm lens, from a tripod.

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