Surface Dial & Photoshop

Surface Dial in PhotoshopI have been trying the Surface Dial in Photoshop recently, as the last update added support for it. And wow, is it disappointing. It’s mostly not even worth mentioning. They only support zoom, history and brush settings. That’s all. No canvas rotation, no size settings for objects, no opacity setting for layers, nothing special. And its not even context sensitive. So if you switch to the zoom tool, it will not magically start zooming in and out. You still have to switch it in the dial selection.

With how many settings in Photoshop are just sliders, this could be used so much more. Just imagine being able to dial in an effect when you are applying it, or dialing in the opacity of a layer.  You can just look at the Sketchable app, and see how it could be. It is really lazy from Adobe to just do it so they can say its there, and not really trying. But to tell the truth, I did not expect that much from Adobe recently. Their updates are really not up to par anymore.

The 5 fingers view

Behind the camera at 5 fingers in AustriaFor today’s daily photo, I chosen one taken during this summer at the 5 fingers view in Alps in Austria. The 5 fingers is actually a skywalk platform, that will allow you to go out into this valley and get just such a wonderful view.

And it’s not even so hard to get there, as there is a cable car going completely up to this mountain and you just have to walk about for 30 minutes to get to the view.

This is a two shot vertorama, combined in Lightroom, edited in Lightroom and Photoshop. I still struggle a bit with editing purely landscape shots, as I’m so used to cityscapes, but I think I’m getting there.  And as it’s again a quite big detailed photo, I included som detail images in this post, to show you how much you could see from there :)

The 5 fingers view, Austria

And here are few details:

The 5 fingers view, Austria