This photo really reminds me of a scene in the last Godzilla movie. You know, the one where the soldiers jump down form a plane with the red lights. I should have pasted in a shot of Godzilla in the background :)

This is of course the Hungarian Parliament in Budapest. It’s a single exposure HDR created in Oloneo Photoengine, merged with a second copy created in Lightroom.
Dark skies

Bad backlight

Bad luck

So I had no real luck with the new monitor, and I’m having it replaced tomorrow. Just after few hours, the backlight bleed became so strong, that it was just no longer acceptable. I really hope the new one will be much better, and defect free.

Golden bridge

I’m so not sure about the contrast and colors of this photo. The new screen is just so different, and has such a higher brightness and contrast compared to the old one, that all just looks strange. I will take a little white to get used to it.

This is a HDR form 4 exposures, taken in Budapest Hungary.
Golden bridge

How about one of my more typical photos today :) Of course it’s a bridge. Today it’s the Margaret bridge in Budapest. If you ever been there, this bridge is quite unique, as it had three ends instead of two. It not only connects the two banks of Danube, but also connects the island in the middle.

This is a HDR from 5 exposures, created in Oloneo Photoengine, finished in Photoshop.
Close to the bridge



Some of you have maybe noticed, that another social network opened recently. It’s called Tsu, and it shows another, different approach to social networks. I have created an account there, just to reserve my user-name (one never know what the future brings :)) but for now I’m not sure if I will post there regularly. I mentioned it before, I want to scale down on my social networks, and use less of them. It just takes too much time and effort to be active everywhere. Already, on some of the networks I post only an update when I create a new blog post, and probably thats the fate for even more of them. I rather spend the time, I spend maintaining accounts, by writing more articles for the blog.

But if you want,  you can find me under

Above the Chain bridge

I posted already quite a few photos from the St. Stephans fireworks in Budapest, and here is another one. As I mentioned with my first photo from there, for the start, I was at a really bad spot. And here you can see it. The view of the bridge was great, it just had one big problem. Most of the fireworks were not above the bridge. So if I stayed there, I would miss moss of all the fireworks. So right in the middle of them, I decided to move, and you already seen photos I got after that :)

This is a single exposure, edited in Lightroom, Oloneo Photoengine and Photoshop. The fireworks were a little smaller, so the scenery stayed a little darker than I would like, but at least the whole focus in on the fireworks :)
Above the Chain bridge

Capturing Fireworks

Capturing fireworks eBook

Usually when I post a new fireworks photo, I like to remind you that you can still get my Capturing fireworks eBook for free. And I’m doing so also now. Just head over to the eBook page and download it :)

Sparkling fireworks

I like to return to my fireworks photos and edit a new one from time to time. They just look always so great. I tent to leave them a little more saturated, but as you know, fireworks are really colorful. And with the black sky behind them, you can really see the color :)

This is a single exposure, edited in Lightroom, Oloneo Photoengine and Photoshop.
Sparkling fireworks

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