Promote Control remote review

Promote Control remoteAfter a week playing with the Promote Control remote, I have written down my first impressions of it in a review. I will expand it as I work with it more.

I have included also some test bracketing series taken with the help of the Promote, one taken during a sunny day, one at night.

You can find the review here: Promote Control remote review

Decorated ceiling

A lot of people from Bratislava will not recognize where was this taken. I wouldn’t either a few weeks ago. But now I know, that this is the ceiling in the historical building of the Slovak National Theater. The light in the middle is also very interesting. It’s created from hundreds of old style light bulbs and can be switched into different configurations, of which ones are turned on.

Decorated ceiling A lot of people from Bratislava will not recognize where was this taken. I wouldn't either a few weeks ago. But now I know, that this is the ceiling in the historical building of the Slovak National Theater. The light in the middle is also very interesting. It's created from hundreds of old style light bulbs and can be switched into different configurations, of which ones are turned on.more info on this photo can be found on my blog

Welcome to my new blog

Hope you like it here. After two years I’m leaving in favor of a self hosted wordpress site. This gives me the oportunity to add more stuff to the page, and have it more “my way”.

As you can see, I selected a new theme for this blog. I think its more cleaner than the old one and  showcases the photos much more. It’s not wider than the old one, but it has bigger photos.  If you look over the page, you will see, that there is less info by the photos, but don’t worry. If you view a full post you will see  the detailed information on used gear and my camera settings. Each post now also includes a map, with the location, where the photo was taken.

And don’t forget my favorite new feature, the before/after comparison. Each post in this category includes a comparison between the normal photo (0EV exposure) and my final HDR. Just select the big before/after button on the right, to see which posts include this comparison.

I’m still working on the new site, so there will be more changes as I add them. If you find anything that is not working, please let me know.

Thank you for all your visits, comments and support, I hope you all like this new blog :) 

The old blog ( will be updated for the next few days, and after that I will turn on a redirect, so it points to the this one.

Testing the Promote

I have the Promote remote for a week now and I have been testing it quite a lot. And i decided to try it on one of my favorite views in Bratislava, the view of the New Bridge. I did 7 shots here. I could use even more, as still there are few overexposed areas. But still, I’m very impressed with the amount of detail you can get when using more than 3 shots.

Testing the PromoteI have the Promote remote for a week now and I have been testing it quite a lot. And i decided to try it on one of my favorite views in Bratislava, the view of the New Bridge. I did 7 shots here. I could use even more, as still there are few overexposed areas. But still, I'm very impressed with the amount of detail you can get when using more than 3 shots.


These old cars are so beautiful, and great for HDR :)

HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 10-20mm lens, from a tripod.

RedThese old cars are so beautiful, and great for HDR :)HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 10-20mm lens, from a tripod.

Standing on Ice

Another shot, taken while standing on a frozen lake. I really don’t like standing on ice, but I couldn’t resist, as it gave me the possibility to take a photo from a place, I usually cannot get to. Again I used HDR just a little here, to correct the overexposed areas of the restaurant and add more detail into the building and ice. Most of the photo is not HDR.

In this shot a restaurat on the Kuchajda lake in Bratislava.

HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 5D mark II with Canon 16-35mm F2.8 lens, from a tripod

Standing on IceAnother shot, taken while standing on a frozen lake. I really don't like standing on ice, but I couldn't resist, as it gave me the possibility to take a photo from a place, I usually cannot get to. Again I used HDR just a little here, to correct the overexposed areas of the restaurant and add more detail into the building and ice. Most of the photo is not HDR. In this shot the restaurat on the Kuchajda lake in Bratislava.HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 5D mark II with Canon 16-35mm F2.8 lens, from a tripod

Off to Madrid

I’m taking a little trip to Madrid this week, so for the next few days it will be no internet for me, just taking a lot of photos. Hopefully by the end of the week I will start adding photos from there :).

Millennium towers on ice

Another photo already taken with the Canon 5D. I’m starting to really like this camera. The difference is clearly visible. This photo is also mostly from the original shot. The HDR was used only on the building and the ice. In booth cases to add more detail to the area.

In this photo the Millenium towers of the Polus city center in Bratislava, and their reflection in the frozen Kuchajda lake.

HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 5D mark II with Canon 2470mm F2.8 lens, from a tripod

Millenium towers on iceAnother photo already taken with the Canon 5D. I'm starting to really like this camera. The difference is clearly visible. This photo is also mostly from the original shot. The HDR was used only on the building and the ice. In booth cases to add more detail to the area.In this photo the Millenium towers of the Polus city center in Bratislava, and their reflection in the frozen Kuchajda lake.HDR from three shots, taken with Canon 5D mark II with Canon 2470mm F2.8 lens, from a tripod

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