I went out to do a little shooting today, even as the weather was not so nice. And as I was going around this place, I noticed that the surface of Danube is quite low, compared to the normal state, and all this rocks which are usually under water, were visible. So I wen down to take some photos. Actually my biggest reason for going out today, was to try out the Think Tank bag. I’m traveling soon and I wanted to try it out before that. And I have to say, I’m quite surprised how well it works. Will have to write some short review on it later on :)

This is a manual blend from 6 shots. It’s very funny to edit in 16bit colors, when my monitor can’t really show 16bit colors (most monitors can’t). So I see so much color bending in the photo, until I export it.
Usually under water

Of course while taking photos around the River park, I took one also of the River park, or at least a part I could fit into one photo. You can actually see the bonsai photo from the photo I posted yesterday, in the bottom left of this photos.

Manual blend from 5 shots, mostly to darken the very bright areas in the bottom left and brighten the dark areas in bottom right.

I like bonsai trees, too bad the ones I try to grow in my flat never last that long. But this one in front of the River park is really nice. I actually took a photo of it few years ago, when they first planted it there, and it was the first photo I sold to be used for promotional purposes :)

Manual blend from 7 shots, mostly to darken the parts which are brightened by all the lights in the area.
The bonsai tree

You would think that finding a statue like this in Bratislava would surprise me, but not really. As modern art in Bratislava goes, this is quite normal :) I took this photo by River park. I haven’t been there in a long time so I went there today, to look whats new there. And they have few new very cool statues.

This is a manual blend from 4 shots, used mostly to darken the light reflections on the statue (but I could have used a more underexposed photo)
Public Nudity

This is my very first photo, where I used the ND filter to achieve a long exposure. I really like how the Danube here looks so smooth. The exposure for the water was 80 seconds.

This photo is a manual blend from three exposes. One long exposure for the sky and water and two bright normal exposures to brighten the bridge.
Smooth water

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