Free desktop wallpapers

You can find many wallpapers here for multiple resolutions. On this page you will find the ones in 2736×1824, 3440×1440 and 3840×1200 resolutions. For the 1600×1200 and 1920×1200, head over to this page.

All wallpapers are for free and can be distributed further, just link back to this site (of course only for personal use, no commercial use allowed without my permission).

wallpapers showcase

Don’t forget to check out other available wallpapers:

21:9 wallplapers

These are all sized for a 34inch 21:9 screen, with a resolution of 3440×1440, but will also work nicely on any smaller (and even bigger) screen with the aspect ratio of 21:9.

Dual screen wallpapers

This are all made for a setup of dual Full HD monitors 1920×1200. The files are 3840×1200 big, so they should be enough also for any other dual screen setup (if your resolutions are not bigger than Full HD).

Don’t forget to check out other available wallpapers:

100 cameras in 1

For the last couple of days I have been playing around with Trey Racliffs Iphone app 100 cameras in 1. Since I only have an Ipod I’m just editing my older shots, to see what result I can get.  So here are few of them:

I quite like that you can stack the filters on each other, to get really different results. The filters “the sky wept in crimson waves” and “when I felt sad, and you were not there” quickly became my favorites :) (and yes, that are really the names of the filters :) )

Its a really nice app and you can get great and very interesting results from it. To get more info about this app, go here:

I’m going to post more later on :)

Red and Gold

Still have a few unpublished photos from last years fireworks at Kuchajda lake in Bratislava. Let’s hope this year I have same luck for great shots :).

As probably all fireworks shots, this one is also only from a single RAW file. Before the fireworks started, I took few test shots, to get the time needed, so the surrounding are not absolutely dark in comparison to the fireworks. Then I took the shot on bulb mode with a remote, trying to stick to a similar time.

HDR from one shot, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 10-20mm lens, from a tripod.

Red and GoldStill have a few unpublished photos from last years fireworks at Kuchajda lake in Bratislava. Let's hope this year I have same luck for great shots :).As probably all fireworks shots, this one is also only from a single RAW file. Before the fireworks started, I took few test shots, to get the time needed, so the surrounding are not absolutely dark in comparison to the fireworks. Then I took the shot on bulb mode with a remote, trying to stick to a similar time. HDR from one shot, taken with Canon 450D with Sigma 10-20mm lens, from a tripod.

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