I went much lighter on the editing of this one, than I usually do. It was mostly because I already liked the starting photo as it was, even with this more purple tint. So I left the white balance as it was, and just used two exposures, to create a HDR in Oloneo Photoengine, as I wanted to get more detail in few areas. And than just noise reduction, little contrast and sharpening and that was all :)

This is a HDR from 2 exposures, taken from the Tour Montparnasse in Paris.
Soft sunset in Paris

Technique: Oloneo Photoengine
Number of exposures: 2, Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II, Lens: Canon 70-200mm F2.8 IS II
Focal length: 160mm, Aperture: 4.5, Middle exposure time: 0.8s, ISO: 100, Tripod used: yes

[map z=”18″ hidecontrols=”true” marker=”yes” w=”100%” h=”150″ maptype=”SATELLITE” lat=”48.842213″ lon=”2.322017″]
