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Backing up photos

I have been working the last week to get my whole photo library in order. Organizing, renaming, deleting just and so on. I also chosen how I backup everything, so thats also being done. And on the side, I write an article on backing up and how I did everything. So once thats done, you will see it here :)

Autumn at the lake

This is another long exposure panorama, and another shot taken with the VFFoto 10stop ND filter. I have to say, I’m quite pleased with that filter. The color cast is minimal and the sharpness is not affected at all. I have been using it much more recently, and will more :)

This is a two exposure panorama, taken at Strbske Pleso lake in High Tatras in Slovakia. I normally would include more of the mountains in a shot like this, but I thought I try it a bit different for this one, and zoomed in more on the horizon. And I liked it :) Combined in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop.

Autumn at the lake, Strbske pleso, Slovakia

And here are few details:

Autumn at the lake, Strbske pleso, Slovakia

Ups and downs

Work screenFunny thing about editing photos. Sometime one is not in the mood to do it at all, sometime one can’t stop. And I was in the second mood yesterday, so I was editing until around 3am :) So there are already few new photos ready for the blog, which you will see in the following days. Hope this mood keeps on for the whole 2018 :)

Long exposure sunset over Danube

The sunset yesterday looked nice, but a bit cloudy and windy. So instead of just taking photos, I did a lot of long exposures. Same as yesterday, this is also one, but this one is also a panorama. If you are curious on how hard it is to combine a long exposure panorama, it is as easy as normal photo. You will just have to correct the blend, like in the sky and water here, as the clouds and water move too much in a long exposure for Lightroom to blend them properly. No problems with static parts of the scene of course :)

This photo was taken from the new Old bridge in Bratislava. The bridge gives a really nice view, but as every bridge, it’s not so great for photos. As it’s a tram bridge, it shakes like crazy every time a tram passes by. I had to redo the photos few times, until it was acceptably sharp. But still not as much as I would like to, but you can see that only at 100%.

This is a two shot panorama, taken using a VFFOTO 10 stop ND filter. Combined in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop.

Long exposure sunset, Bratislava, Slovakia, Danube

And here are few details:

Long exposure sunset, Bratislava, Slovakia, Danube

Most popular Instagram posts

It’s quite interesting to see which of my posts are the most popular. And the Best nine site offers a nice recap for Instagram every year. As I post there mostly at random, from my photo library, this are from all over the place. But I can see why these became the most liked ones :) You can follow my Instagram account here.

Here are the best nine from 2016 and 2017.

Best nine 2016
Best nine 2017

Mirror like Danube

The weather today in Bratislava was so nice. Why could it not be like this for the midnight fireworks I don’t know, but it usually work out like this. What can you do :)

So I went out to take few photo and here is one of them. For this one, I used a VFFoto 10stop ND filter and I did a 4 minute exposure, to get the Danube river very soft almost mirror like. I still had to brighten the photo quite a bit, as I overestimated how much light there was, but it still work out fine.

This is a single exposure, edited in Lightroom, finished in Photoshop.

Mirror like Danube, Bratislava, Slovakia

New year in the fog

Happy new year everyone. Hope you all have a great start into the new year. For me in Bratislava, it was a bit foggy. As every year, I tried to get some new photos of the fireworks. And while I got some, you can’t see much in them. The whole city is currently covered in a heavy fog, and it got even worse when the smoke from the fireworks was added. Still, here are few from today, looking more artistic this time :)

Happy New Year

Since I don’t have a really nice photo from today, here is a backup one, from few years ago, that I edited today :)

Fireworks over the years

Capturing FireworksHow about one more recap post to end the year with. Since I started taking photos 8th years ago, I tried to take a fireworks photo every year. And since I live in Bratislava, all were from Bratislava. And before I try and take a new one in few hours (if the weather is better than yesterday) how about we take a look together at one from each of the last years. Something like a little countdown to 2018 :) It’s also a nice look back at all the cold New Years nights I spend taking photos. Especially the last one, over the river was crazy cold :)

So here goes.

Btw. If you need help taking fireworks photos, there is a free ebook for all newsletter subscribers. You can subscribe by going here or on the bottom of every page of the blog.




Happy New year 2015




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