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The beauty of the opera stairs

The most beautiful place in the opera is always the main room with the stage. But the stairs are usually not that much behind. I had to return to the stairs more than once, as there already were tourist groups in the building, and I just want a photo without them. But on the third try I had luck :)

Btw. hope nobody minds that there are many interior shots in a row on the blog. As I’m currently on another trip, I had to schedule a weeks worth at once and I had these photos ready, so I had to use them. Regularly I like a little more diversity in the photos, but that’s not always possible.
The beauty of the opera stairs The most beautiful place in the opera is always the main room with the stage. But the stairs are usually not that much behind.

Chocolate wall

Or better said, a wall full of chocolates :) This photo was taken inside the beautiful historic Gerbeaud Café in center of Budapest. All the chocolates and cakes looked so delicious there. Too bad that my program in Budapest was quite full, so I had only short time to spend here, and I wanted to take as many photos as possible. So no cake for me. But next time I’m there, there definitively be a cake visit :)
Chocolate wall Or better said, a wall full of chocolates :)

Different composition

I usually go for the centered view, but I also take some crazy compositions, like this one. This is in the St. Stephens Basilica in Budapest and instead of concentration on the symmetry and how huge the place is, I focused more on the lighting in there. And as that will catch your eye, the lines behind it should then guide it towards the top part of the photo. Hope it work that way :)
Different composition I usually go for the centered view, but I also take some crazy compositions, like this one.

Let’s vote

One more from the Hungarian parliament. This was the only place I was allowed to take photos from in this room. Even with a permit you can’t get everywhere :) And of course getting in here took a nice walk through a security checkpoint, like you find on the airport.
Let's vote One more from the Hungarian parliament.

Parliament stairs

The parliament building in Budapest is a very beautiful building from the outside, so it’s not such a surprise that it looks stunning also on the inside. You could take photos for hours, just in this main staircase.
Parliament stairs The parliament building in Budapest is a very beautiful building from the outside, so it's not such a surprise that it looks stunning also on the inside. You could take photos for hours, just in this main staircase.

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