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Don’t you just hate waiting? I do. And right now, I’m waiting for my new camera to arrive. I so hoped it will be today, but no. But there is a big chance that it will be tomorrow, so I will write more about it then :)

Overcast evening in Hallstatt

For today photos, I chosen one from Hallstatt in Austria. The day I was there did not work so great with weather. It was overcast the whole day. And with how picturesque the city is, I just wanted a more bright, colorful photos. But that would require a bit of sun. Who knows, maybe next time.

This is a two exposure blend, where I used the second one mostly to darken the sky. Edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Evening in Hallstatt

Taking photos through glass windows can be such a pain. Good that there are things that can help. I took this photo of the Gare Montparnasse in Paris, from the top of the Tour Monparnasse right next to it. And as they are very close to each other, the only way is to take the shot through the glass windows of the top floor.

And this is vhere the Lenskirt came really handy. I stuck it to the window, put the camera in and got no reflections at all. It was a bit harder, as I used a 17mm tilt-shift, and that is really wide. I could see the Lenskirt in the corners of the shots. So I ended up trying to move the camera around and closer to the window. I had to be quite careful also, as the lens front is a bulb, not flat. I would not want to touch it to the glass. In the end, I took only around 6 photos that evening, but they are worth it :)

This is a two shot vertorama, edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Gare Montparnasse Paris France

As I said yesterday, when inspiration strucks, I tend to work until late at night. And yesterday ended like that. I had an idea how to update the blog, and I ended working on it until 4am. Not really that unusual :). If it goes well, you will see the changes to the blog sometime later.

Foggy evening at the Charles bridge

But for today, a nice foggy shot. This was taken about a week ago, during a not that nice evening in Prague. It just did not look how I wanted. As mostly I use a wide angle shot, this time I took the 70-200m lens, to try and compress the image. There were just too many people on the bridge to try something there, but I got this from the side of the bridge.

This is a single exposure edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.

I was relaxing a bit today, just playing Fallout Shelter (so much better on a PC than a mobile) and watching some movies. One needs days like that from time to time :). Not that I did not look at the blog, as I’m thinking about some changes, but I’m not sure yet. I usually get inspiration sometime in the middle of the night, and I end up going to bed very very late.

A panorama from Ljubljana

So for today, a shot I already had ready. This is a panorama taken from the top of the Nebotičnik building in Ljubljana, Slovenia. If you are ever there, just look for a side entrance, and you can go up as it has a cafe on top.

This is a panoramic merge of two photos created in Lightroom and finished in Photoshop.

A panorama from Ljubljana, Slovenia

Remaining translations

I thought it would take longer, but after yesterdays updates, today I finished adding the last two translations to the Top Photography spots, and now all are available also in Japanese. So as always, you can find the English versions here, and the Japanese ones here.

Passerelle Saint-Georges in Lyon

For todays photo, I chosen one I took in Lyon, France. This is one of a many very nice spots in the city center. I really like how it looks like, just the lights they use to light up most of the landmarks are white and crazy strong. It makes for a bit harder blending. But one can’t give up :)

This is a two shot blend, with a third shot blended to remove few moving people from the shot. Edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Passerelle Saint-Georges bridge in Lyon, France
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