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Early morning in Ljubljana

I went a bit back into my photo library today, and edited a photo from 2013. My Lilghtroom catalag actually starts with 2008, as in that year I started to take photos. I don’t think I ever did one before that. Maybe on my photon, but that was like 1Mpix, so not really that great :)

This photo is from one very early morning in Ljubljana in Slovenia. Funny that I remember it like it was yesterday. There is this wooden bridge there, which gives you this view when you stand in the middle. The problem is, it shakes when somebody walks over it. So if you don’t want blurry photos, you have to go there when it’s definitively empty. And early morning is that time.

This is a blend of 4 exposures, done in Photoshop. As this was taken with the 5D mark II, I needed to use more exposures due to the lower dynamic range.

Early morning in Ljubljana

Little chapel next to Lago di Braies

Today’s photo is another, different view from the Lago di Braies in Dolomites, Italy. This time I tried to get the little chapel that was next to it into one shot together with the lake. I really liked how the path curved towards it and that the little fence made a nice border on the left. To get all of that into the photo, I went with a panorama here. I also had to remove a few cars that were next to the chapel. They just really did not fit the mood I wanted for this photo. I thought about taking one photo a bit close to it, but there was some work done there, so decided against it in the end.

This is a two-shot panorama, taken with the help of a tilt-shift lens. Each shot blended from three exposures and combined in Photoshop.

Little chapel next to Lago di Braies

The hole in the Messe Basel New Hall

I spend the last few days in Basel in Switzerland, and while I did not take that many photos, I did few. So let’s do today a bit of a more abstract photo. This one is of the Messe Basel New Hall which is very close to the city center. This building has this huge hole in it, that you can stand under. And that’s what I did. I used the 12mm lens, pointed it straight up, and somehow managed to align it pretty well. Maybe not exactly centered, but not far from it.

This is a blend of three exposures. Blended in Photoshop. Most of the edits were just to remove the tram cables I caught on one of the sides of the photos, as it is a really wide shot.

The hole in the Messe Basel New Hall

Looking at the photo, I really though how nice it would have been if a plane flown through while I was taking it. Of course that would not be possible, as the airport is quite far away. But Photoshop can help. I did not have a photo of a plane though, so I used one from Pexels, a site where you can get free to use stock photos. You can get the photo I used from here.


High up over the clouds

It’s so cool when you are in high mountains, and you go up and up, and you get over the clours at one point. It was same when I took this photo in the Austrian Alps, at the Grossglockner High Alpine Road. If I remember correctly, this was taken from the highest point on the road. When I got there, the clouds covered everything around, so it was like walking in milk. But over time, they started to break up and you got some great view of the scenery.

This is a two shot panorama, each shot from a single exposure. Combined and edited in Photoshop.

High up over the clouds

Museum with yellow penguins

Today’s photo is from Prague. It’s the Kampa Museum next to the Vltava lake, not far from the Charles bridge. I don’t really like it that much. It’s a modern art museum, and while some of the installations around it look nice, especially the yellow penguins, most of them are just random. Like a pile of things just thrown together without any thought or reason. I prefer classic art, where you can see the stunning skill and dedication of the artists.

This is a view from the other side of the Vltava lake. There is this point where part where is this little cascade. Makes for a nice leading line here. This is a blend of three exposures, done in Photoshop.

Museum with the yellow penguins
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