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I just love this views from high up places. It’s probably because I love to have so much detail in my photos. That’s why in every city I try to get to the highest place, and that’s why my next trip is Dubai (can’t wait, just 10 more days and I’m there :))

This is a HDR created in Oloneo Photoengine and finished in Photoshop.
Lot of detail

I almost dismissed this photo for being to similar to one of my other photos I shared recently. But then I remembered why I actually took it. It was around 1am, and we were shooting star trails by the bridge (I posted the photo with them around two weeks ago) and as we were slowly ending, I had to get one more shot just because of the bridge reflection in the Danube. You never get a perfect reflection there, as the river is never calm enough, but I think this was one of the calmest I have ever seen it :)

This is a HDR from 7 exposures, created in Oloneo Photoengine and finished in Photoshop.
Purple night

To continue with my process series, as every Tuesday, here is another process post. This time its a manual blend of a photo from Maribor, Slovenia. So lets look at it.

To get to this finished result
Under the bridge
I started as always in Lightroom. As you can see from the photo, I had to correct mostly the white balance and the horizon line.
Under the bridge - original
After that I created a Oloneo HDR version of this photo and imported it into Photoshop together with the original exposures. Then I continued as follows (layers numbered from bottom up)
1. -1EV exposure to start with
2. 0Ev to brighten the bridge and the water
3. +1EV to brighten the bridge even more
4. Oloneo HDR result used to brighten the overall image
5. Color Efex pro contrast to add more local detail to the photo
6. High pass filter to add more detail
7+8. Added glow to the photo
9. Recovered parts of the city, as they lost too much contrast in previous edits
10. Brightened the extreme dark parts of the photo
11. Brightened few parts of the bridge from +2EV exposure
12. Added a little of Color Efex glamour glow

And that was all.
Under the bridge - process

As the title suggest, the weather was not the best as I took this. I was planing to go shooting something completely different, but as I arrived in the city, it started raining and it rained so strongly, that I was unable to take any shots. So I turned around to get back to my hotel, but of course in the part of the city I had my hotel in, it wasn’t raining at all. So at least I could get some photos there :) It’s funny with these big cities, that you can have such different weather in different parts.

This is a HDR created in Oloneo Photoengine, created from 5 shots, finished in Photoshop.
Rainy evening at the La Defense

Again something little different today :) No new photo, but a short video tutorial on how I add glow to my photos. You can also see a written tutorial here and get a action that creates glow for you on the same page.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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