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Mobile AI wallpapers

Some time ago I added a new AI-generated section to the blog, and at that time there were only a few of them. Over time I keep adding that there are almost 500 of them right now. All in 2000x4000px resolution, suitable for most mobile photos.

If you have not checked them out yet, you can find them all in this gallery.

Mobile AI wallpapers
Mobile AI wallpapers
Mobile AI wallpapers
Mobile AI wallpapers
Mobile AI wallpapers
Mobile AI wallpapers
Mobile AI wallpapers
Mobile AI wallpapers

Don’t forget to check out other available wallpapers:

New Super ultra-wide wallpapers

The super ultra-wide page keeps being the most popular part of the blog for a year now, so let’s do another update today.

In this update, new pictures from Bratislava, Porto, Paris, and Zadar. As always, these are in 5120x1440px resolution, so perfect for a 32:9 monitor. Also as always, feel free to share them further, just please link back here and give me credit as the author.

The next one to be updated is the 4K selection, as that one is lacking a bit right now. Or would you prefer a different resolution?

Super ultra-wide wallpapers 5120x1440px
Super ultra-wide wallpapers 5120x1440px
Super ultra-wide wallpapers 5120x1440px
Super ultra-wide wallpapers 5120x1440px
Super ultra-wide wallpapers 5120x1440px
Super ultra-wide wallpapers 5120x1440px

Botanical Garden in Bratislava

Behind the cameraThe weather has been really nice recently in Bratislava so today I decided to go out a bit to take a few photos. But as it is really sunny, I decided to visit the Botanical Garden here. It’s really nice place to be able to relax a bit and get away from the city. It’s also great if you need to take some photos with a nice nature background, like family portraits and such. I did some in the past, and some have been also shared on the blog (for instance here, or here).

A few years back I used to post a selection of photos showcasing colors of spring from there every year, but that was not possible during the last quarantine years, and this year I missed the blooming season a bit due to the bad weather. But let’s catch up a bit today :)

On the side, a little behind the camera shot, that I shared earlier today on Twitter. I’m trying to post there more regularly now, so feel free to follow me there.

Exploring the colors of Spring

And here are a few photos I took today. I went with shallower DOF here, to give them this soft look. All taken handheld with the Canon 70-200 F2.8 lens.

I decided to share them all in a higher resolution (2560px tall or wide) and without a watermark, so if any of you would like to use them as phone/tablet wallpapers, you can easily do so.

Nature in Spring, Botanical Garden Bratislava
Nature in Spring, Botanical Garden Bratislava
Nature in Spring, Botanical Garden Bratislava
Exploring the colors of Spring, Botanical Garden Bratislava
Exploring the colors of Spring, Botanical Garden Bratislava
Nature in Spring, Botanical Garden Bratislava
Nature in Spring, Botanical Garden Bratislava
Nature in Spring, Botanical Garden Bratislava
Exploring the colors of Spring, Botanical Garden Bratislava
Exploring the colors of Spring, Botanical Garden Bratislava
Nature in Spring, Botanical Garden Bratislava
Nature in Spring, Botanical Garden Bratislava
Nature in Spring, Botanical Garden Bratislava

View from the Sky Park towers

Recently I posted a few different photos of the Sky Part towers in Bratislava, so how about today a picture was taken from the top of one of them. This photo is not that recent, so you can still be missing the 4th tower in the background. Either way, it makes for an interesting view. I actually wanted to take the photo a bit later, during the blue hour, but it became so windy up there that day, that I could not hold the camera steady enough. The wind would move the whole tripod around; if I were not holding it, it would blow it away.

Still, this photo is a vertorama, from two shots. Each shot blended from three exposures. Edited in Photoshop. I used the 17mm tilt-shift lens here, and if you don’t know what kind of lens it is, or how it’s used, check out my guide here.

View from the Sky Park towers, Bratislava, Slovakia

Lago di Braies reflection

Sunny day at Lago di Braies, behind the cameraI still have many photos that I never edited or posted, like this one from Lago di Braies, from all the travels I did over the many years. There are different reasons for not doing so. Either they are too similar to what I already posted, I could not get the result I wanted in editing, or it was just too much work to remove stuff I did not like. But as the times change and the programs get better, it is easier to get the result now. That is why one always should take photos in RAW, as you can always go back and edit what you got.

So for today, I went back through my photo archives, to my trip to the Dolomites in Italy, to the Lago di Braies, and edited a photo I took that day. This is a blend from 3 exposures, created in Photoshop, with some editing done with Nik Collection Color Efex. I used the 12mm Laowa lens here, to get a nice wide shot. A little behind-the-scenes shot on the side here.

Btw. I also upped the resolution of the photos I’m posting here, up to 1800px wide. As the resolution of screens went up quite a lot in recent years, one just has to keep up. I also updated to a 32-inch 4K screen and the 1350px wide I used to use before,  just looks tiny on such a screen. And it’s just the same on phones and tablets. I have not decided yet, but maybe I just go even bigger, jump to 2K, or even directly 4K resolution. Who knows what the future brings, it’s easier to change before technology catches up.

What do you think? Rather smaller images, so the page loads quicker, or better to go bit, and focus on the quality and look?

Sunny day reflection at Lago di Braies, Italy, Dolomites

Generative Fill

I wrote about the new Generative Fill in Photoshop yesterday, and today I’m sharing a photo where I used it. And I used it a lot, as there were many people standing around the Eiffel Tower, which is why I never shared this photo before. With Generative Fill I was able to remove them, even though not perfectly.

The little police car under the Eiffel Tower

I took this photo around 6 years ago now. You can actually tell that it’s an older photo, as there is no glass wall in front of the tower. While I was taking photos there that evening, a police car stopped right in my way, so I just used it for composition here. It looked tiny, a bit funny, in front of the huge Eiffel Tower.

This is a vertorama from 3 photos, blended in Photoshop. No HDR bracketing here. I used around 20 Generative Fill layers to get rid of people standing around the area.

The little police car under the Eiffel Tower
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